Training super-mentors to activate job seekers with migrant background

Super-mentor is an ESF and Flemish Government funded project which aims to develop a blended online training for mentors who support jobseekers with migrant background to find a job in Flanders.

About Super-mentor Project

Super-mentor is an ESF and Flemish Government funded project which aims to develop a blended online training for mentors who support jobseekers with migrant background to find a job in Flanders.

Belgium has one of the highest vacancy rates among the EU member states, and yet it is difficult for jobseekers with a migrant background to find a (suitable) job. Many initiatives have already been taken to solve this problem, and in recent years a lot has been invested in mentoring projects. The results of the first projects are already very promising, and at the same time the practice has revealed a number of challenges.

There is a demand for qualitative, affordable, and feasible training for mentors. Examples show that good mentor training attracts quality mentors. Because mentors are often people who like to develop, but also because a mentoring process is not easy, and mentors can use training and support. 

Sound training can also be expected to increase the quality of mentoring and prevent premature termination of mentoring processes.

The target group will be primarily mentors and mentoring organizations/programs. But the training can also be used in diversity programs within organizations.
ESF LOGOs Supermentor project

Deze website kwam tot stand met de steun van het Europes Sociaal Fonds. Het ESF stelt middelen ter beschikking voor innovates die bijdragen tot meer en betere jobs voor meer mensen.

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